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A voice, a legend

The Grand Hotel Vesuvio named the roof garden restaurant after Enrico Caruso. The tenor was a loyal guest of the hotel and loved to call it "his Neapolitan home". Back in Naples, he spent the last years of his life at the Grand Hotel Vesuvio. A great passion of Caruso was for cooking, especially the Neapolitan one. Helping the best Neapolitan pizza makers and cooks to move to New York and help them set up a business in "Little Italy", thus hoping to recreate a corner of his beloved Naples. His passion for cooking was accompanied by his skill as a cook : in fact, he used to try his hand in the kitchens of the various Italian restaurants in Brooklyn or invite friends to his large villa to demonstrate his culinary skills, encouraged by the applause of his court. With a touch of false modesty, he thus ruled: "Say me being a modest tenor, but don't tell me I'm a bad cook!". The dish that especially managed to excite his Italian-American friends was the "Bucatini alla Caruso" , today as then, delight the guests of the Caruso Roof Garden. The dish that especially managed to excite his Italian-American friends was the "Bucatini alla Caruso" which, still today, delights the guests of the Caruso Roof Garden.

